SPARQL example query
27: Retrieve all protein names, including peptide names, associated with UniProtKB entry P05067.
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?anyKindOfName ?names ?partType WHERE { BIND(<> AS ?protein) ?protein a up:Protein . { ?protein (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } UNION { VALUES(?partType){(up:domain) (up:component)} ?protein ?partType ?part . ?part (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } ?structuredName ?anyKindOfName ?names . ?anyKindOfName rdfs:subPropertyOf up:structuredNameType . }Use27: Find all names associated with UniProtKB entry P05067, and if the name is associated with the entry it's domains or its components
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?anyKindOfName ?names ?partType WHERE { BIND(<> AS ?protein) ?protein a up:Protein . { ?protein (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } UNION { VALUES(?partType){(up:domain) (up:component)} ?protein ?partType ?part . ?part (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } ?structuredName ?anyKindOfName ?names . ?anyKindOfName rdfs:subPropertyOf up:structuredNameType . }Use28: Get the list of UniProtKB entries for the chromosome of proteome UP000000625
PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?proteome WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:reviewed true ; up:proteome ?proteome . VALUES (?proteome) {(<>)} }Use29: Use ALLIE a service for Abbreviation / Long Form in Japanese and English to search in UniProt using Japanese.
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?englishLabelStr WHERE { SERVICE <>{ ?x rdfs:label "アミロイド前駆体タンパク質"@ja ; rdfs:label ?englishLabel . FILTER(lang(?englishLabel) = "en") } BIND (STR(?englishLabel) AS ?englishLabelStr) ?protein a up:Protein . { ?protein (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } UNION { VALUES(?partType){(up:domain) (up:component)} ?protein ?partType ?part . ?part (up:recommendedName|up:alternativeName) ?structuredName . } ?structuredName ?anyKindOfName ?englishLabelStr . ?anyKindOfName rdfs:subPropertyOf up:structuredNameType . }Use30: Find UniProtKB entries with merged loci in Bordetella avium
PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein (GROUP_CONCAT(?locusName; separator=',') AS ?locusNames) WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:organism taxon:360910 ; up:encodedBy ?gene . ?gene up:locusName ?locusName . } GROUP BY ?protein HAVING (COUNT(?locusName) > 1)Use31: Find UniParc records whose sequence point to the most database entries
PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?sequence ?entries WHERE { SELECT ?sequence (COUNT(?entry) AS ?entries) WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?sequence up:sequenceFor ?entry . } } GROUP BY ?sequence } ORDER BY DESC(?entries)Use32: Find UniProtKB entries with more than 1 Topological domain annotation
PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein (GROUP_CONCAT(?comment; separator=", ") AS ?comments) WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:annotation ?annotation . ?annotation rdf:type up:Topological_Domain_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?comment . } GROUP BY ?protein HAVING (COUNT(?annotation) > 1)Use33: Find longest comment text associated with a UniProtKB natural variant annotation
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?annotation ?comment WHERE { ?annotation a up:Natural_Variant_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?comment . } ORDER BY DESC(STRLEN(?comment))Use34: Find the co-occurence count of topological domain comment text in UniProtKB entries
PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?comment1 ?comment2 (COUNT(?comment1) AS ?count1) WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:annotation ?annotation1 , ?annotation2 . ?annotation1 rdf:type up:Topological_Domain_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?rawComment1 . ?annotation2 rdf:type up:Topological_Domain_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?rawComment2 . BIND(IF(contains(?rawComment1, ';'), STRBEFORE(?rawComment1,';'), ?rawComment1) AS ?comment1) BIND(IF(contains(?rawComment2, ';'), STRBEFORE(?rawComment2,';'), ?rawComment2) AS ?comment2) FILTER(?annotation1 != ?annotation2) } GROUP BY ?comment1 ?comment2 ORDER BY DESC(COUNT(?comment1))Use35: Find the similar proteins for UniProtKB entry P05067 sorted by UniRef cluster identity
PREFIX uniprotkb: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?similar ?identity FROM <> FROM <> WHERE { BIND (uniprotkb:P05607 AS ?protein) ?cluster up:member ?member ; up:member/up:sequenceFor ?protein; up:identity ?identity . ?member up:sequenceFor ?similar . FILTER(!sameTerm(?similar, ?protein)) } ORDER BY DESC(?identity)Use36: Find the orthologous proteins for UniProtKB entry P05067 using the OrthoDB database
PREFIX orthodb: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX uniprotkb: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?orthoGroup ?scientificName ?functionComment ?prefferedGeneName ((STRLEN(?value) - ?medianLength) as ?deviationFromMedianLength) WHERE { uniprotkb:P05067 a up:Protein ; up:organism/up:scientificName ?scientificName ; rdfs:seeAlso ?orthoGroup ; up:encodedBy/skos:prefLabel ?prefferedGeneName ; up:sequence/rdf:value ?value . OPTIONAL { ?protein up:annotation ?functionAnnotation . ?functionAnnotation a up:Function_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?functionComment . } SERVICE <>{ ?orthoGroup orthodb:ogMedianProteinLength ?medianLength . ?orthoGroup orthodb:hasMember ?xref . ?xref orthodb:xref/orthodb:xrefResource uniprotkb:P05067 . } }Use37: Find the human protein which contains an epitope VSTQ, where T is a phosphorylated threonine
PREFIX faldo: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?comment ?begin ?end WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:organism taxon:9606 ; up:sequence ?sequence ; up:annotation ?annotation . ?annotation a up:Modified_Residue_Annotation ; rdfs:comment ?comment ; up:range ?range . ?range faldo:begin [ faldo:position ?begin ; faldo:reference ?sequence ] ; faldo:end [ faldo:position ?end ; faldo:reference ?sequence ] . ?sequence rdf:value ?aaSequence . FILTER (SUBSTR(?aaSequence, ?begin -2 , 4) = "VSTQ") FILTER (CONTAINS(?comment, "Phosphothreonine")) }Use38: For the human entry P05067 (Amyloid-beta precursor protein) find the gene start ends in WikiData
PREFIX p: <> PREFIX pq: <> PREFIX ps: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX uniprotkb: <> PREFIX wdt: <> SELECT ?protein ?begin ?end ?chromosome ?assembly WHERE { { BIND(uniprotkb:P05067 AS ?proteinIRI) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?proteinIRI), STRLEN(STR(uniprotkb:))+1) AS ?protein) } SERVICE <> { ?wp wdt:P352 ?protein ; wdt:P702 ?wg . ?wg p:P644 ?wgss . ?wgss ps:P644 ?begin ; pq:P1057/wdt:P1813 ?chromosome ; pq:P659/rdfs:label ?assembly . ?wg p:P645 ?wgse . ?wgse ps:P645 ?end ; pq:P1057/wdt:P1813 ?chromosome ; pq:P659/rdfs:label ?assembly . FILTER(lang(?assembly) = "en") } }Use39: Retrieve entries and catalytic activities in the reviewed (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot) section that have experimental evidences,
PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?rhea WHERE { # ECO 269 is experimental evidence BIND (<> as ?evidence) GRAPH <> { ?protein up:reviewed true ; up:annotation ?a ; up:attribution ?attribution . ?a a up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation ; up:catalyticActivity ?ca . ?ca up:catalyzedReaction ?rhea . [] rdf:subject ?a ; rdf:predicate up:catalyticActivity ; rdf:object ?ca ; up:attribution ?attribution . ?attribution up:evidence ?evidence . } }Use40: Retrieve human enzymes that metabolize sphingolipids and are annotated in ChEMBL
PREFIX CHEBI: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rh: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?protein ?chemblEntry WHERE { SERVICE <> { ?rhea rdfs:subClassOf rh:Reaction ; rh:side/rh:contains/rh:compound/rh:chebi/rdfs:subClassOf+ CHEBI:26739 . } ?ca up:catalyzedReaction ?rhea . ?protein up:annotation/up:catalyticActivity ?ca ; up:organism taxon:9606 ; rdfs:seeAlso ?chemblEntry . ?chemblEntry up:database <> . }Use41: Retrieve UniProtKB entries with sequences that are composed of fragments
PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?protein WHERE { ?protein a up:Protein ; up:sequence ?sequence . MINUS { ?sequence up:fragment [] } }Use42: Connect patents cited in UniProtKB with those in the patent database at EPO via publication number.
PREFIX patent: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?citation ?patent ?application ?applicationNo WHERE { ?citation a up:Patent_Citation ; skos:exactMatch ?patent . FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?patent), 'EP')) BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?patent), 35) AS ?applicationNo) SERVICE <>{ ?application patent:publicationNumber ?applicationNo } }Use43: Connect patents cited in UniProtKB with those in the patent database at EPO via publication number, whose grant date is more than twenty years in the past.
PREFIX patent: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?grantDate ?patent ?application ?applicationNo WHERE { ?citation a up:Patent_Citation ; skos:exactMatch ?patent . BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?patent), 35) AS ?applicationNo) BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?patent), 33, 2) AS ?countryCode) SERVICE <>{ ?publication patent:publicationNumber ?applicationNo ; patent:application ?application . ?application patent:grantDate ?grantDate . } BIND((year(now()) - 20) AS ?thisYearMinusTwenty) BIND(year(?grantDate) AS ?grantYear) FILTER(?grantYear < ?thisYearMinusTwenty) } ORDER BY ?grantYearUse44: Find the Rhea and InterPro combinations in UniProtKB entries.
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?interpro ?rhea FROM <> WHERE { ?protein up:reviewed true . ?protein up:annotation ?annotation . ?annotation up:catalyticActivity ?rhea . ?protein rdfs:seeAlso ?interpro . ?interpro up:database <> . } ORDER BY ?rheaUse45: Retrieve drugs that target human enzymes involved in sterol metabolism (federated query with WikiData and Rhea).
PREFIX CHEBI: <> PREFIX chebihash: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rh: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX uniprotkb: <> PREFIX up: <> PREFIX wdt: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?protein ?proteinFullName ?wikiChemical ?wikiChemicalLabel ?medicalConditionTreatedLabel WHERE { # ChEBI: retrieve members of the ChEBI class ChEBI:15889 (sterol) # Rhea: retrieve the reactions involving these ChEBI as participants SERVICE <> { ?reaction rdfs:subClassOf rh:Reaction ; rh:status rh:Approved ; rh:side ?reactionSide . ?reactionSide rh:contains ?participant . ?participant rh:compound ?compound { ?compound rh:chebi ?chebi . ?chebi (rdfs:subClassOf)+ CHEBI:15889 } UNION { ?compound rh:chebi ?chebi . ?chebi2 rdfs:subClassOf ?chebiRestriction . ?chebiRestriction a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty chebihash:has_major_microspecies_at_pH_7_3 ; owl:someValuesFrom ?chebi . ?chebi2 (rdfs:subClassOf)+ CHEBI:15889 } } # UniProt: retrieve the human (taxid:9606) enzymes catalyzing these Rhea reactions ?ca up:catalyzedReaction ?reaction . ?a up:catalyticActivity ?ca . ?proteinIRI up:annotation ?a ; up:organism taxon:9606 ; up:recommendedName ?proteinRecName . ?proteinRecName up:fullName ?proteinFullName . # Find drugs in wikidata that interact with the UniProt Proteins BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?proteinIRI), STRLEN(STR(uniprotkb:))+1) AS ?protein) SERVICE <> { ?wp wdt:P352 ?protein . ?wikiChemical wdt:P129 ?wp . # Physically interacts with ?wikiChemical rdfs:label ?wikiChemicalLabel . ?wikiChemical wdt:P2175 ?wmc . # Medical conndition treated ?wmc rdfs:label ?medicalConditionTreatedLabel . FILTER(lang(?medicalConditionTreatedLabel) = 'en') FILTER(lang(?wikiChemicalLabel) = 'en') } }Use46: Retrieve images of 'Anas' (Ducks) from the European Environmental Agency databases (federated query).
PREFIX eunisSpecies: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?taxon ?ncbiTaxid ?eunisTaxon ?eunisName ?image WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?taxon a up:Taxon . # Taxon subclasses are materialized, do not use rdfs:subClassOf+ ?taxon rdfs:subClassOf taxon:8835 . BIND(strafter(str(?taxon), 'onomy/') AS ?ncbiTaxid) } SERVICE <> { ?eunisTaxon a eunisSpecies:SpeciesSynonym ; eunisSpecies:binomialName ?eunisName ; eunisSpecies:sameSpeciesNCBI ?ncbiTaxid ; <> ?image . } }Use47: Find UniProtKB entries with a transmembrane region, with an alanine in the 15 amino acid region preceding the transmembrane
PREFIX faldo: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT ?protein ?from ?interestingRegion WHERE { ?protein up:annotation ?annotation . ?annotation a up:Transmembrane_Annotation . # Get the coordinates of the Transmembrane ?annotation up:range ?range . ?range faldo:begin ?beginI . ?beginI faldo:position ?begin . ?beginI faldo:reference ?sequence . # The aas will have the specific IUPAC aminoacids ?sequence rdf:value ?aas . # We calculate the start by substracting 10 BIND(?begin - 10 AS ?tenBeforeBegin) # Can't start before the sequence starts or we might miss some results BIND(IF(?tenBeforeBegin < 1, 0, ?tenBeforeBegin) AS ?from) # Substring the IUPAC aminoacids BIND(SUBSTR(?aas, ?from, 15) AS ?interestingRegion) # The interestingRegion needds to contain an Alanine FILTER(CONTAINS(?interestingRegion, 'A')) }Use48: Retrieve glycosylation sites and glycans on human enzymes (federated with Glyconnect)
PREFIX faldo: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX glycan: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?protein ?glycosite ?glycostructure ?glycoimage WHERE{ ?protein up:annotation ?annotation . ?protein up:organism taxon:9606 . ?annotation a up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation . ?protein up:sequence ?isoform . SERVICE <> { ?glycosite faldo:reference ?isoform . ?glycosite faldo:position ?position . ?specificglycosite faldo:location ?glycosite . ?glycoprotein glycan:glycosylated_at ?specificglycosite . ?glycostructure glycan:glycosylates_at ?specificglycosite . ?glycostructure foaf:depiction ?glycoimage . } }Use49: Retrieve the UniProtKB proteins, their catalyzed Rhea reactions, their encoding genes (Ensembl) and the anatomic entities where the genes are expressed (UBERON anatomic entites from Bgee expression data resource).
PREFIX CHEBI: <> PREFIX genex: <> PREFIX lscr: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rh: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?protein ?ensemblGene ?reaction ?anatomicEntityLabel ?anatomicEntity WHERE { # federated query to Rhea enadpoint { SELECT DISTINCT ?reaction WHERE { SERVICE <> { ?reaction rdfs:subClassOf rh:Reaction ; rh:equation ?reactionEquation ; rh:side ?reactionSide . ?reactionSide rh:contains ?participant . ?participant rh:compound ?compound . # compound constraint (CHEBI:16113 == cholesterol) ?compound rh:chebi CHEBI:16113 . } } } # taxonomy constraint (taxon:9606 == Homo sapiens) ?protein up:organism taxon:9606 ; up:annotation ?a ; rdfs:seeAlso / up:transcribedFrom ?ensemblGene . ?a a up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation ; up:catalyticActivity ?ca . ?ca up:catalyzedReaction ?reaction . # federated query to Bgee (expression data) BIND(IRI(REPLACE(STR(?ensemblGene), "\\.[0-9]+$", "")) AS ?ensemblGeneNoVersion) SERVICE <> { ?gene lscr:xrefEnsemblGene ?ensemblGeneNoVersion ; genex:isExpressedIn ?anatomicEntity . ?anatomicEntity rdfs:label ?anatomicEntityLabel . } }Use50: Where are the human genes encoding enzymes metabolizing N-acyl sphingosines expressed in the human body (federated query, with Rhea and Bgee)
PREFIX CHEBI: <> PREFIX genex: <> PREFIX lscr: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rh: <> PREFIX taxon: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?chebi ?reaction ?protein ?ensemblGene ?anatomicEntityLabel ?anatomicEntity WHERE { SERVICE <> { ?reaction rdfs:subClassOf rh:Reaction . ?reaction rh:equation ?reactionEquation . ?reaction rh:side ?reactionSide . ?reactionSide rh:contains ?participant . ?participant rh:compound ?compound . ?compound rh:chebi ?chebi . ?chebi rdfs:subClassOf* CHEBI:52639 } ?protein up:organism taxon:9606 . ?protein up:annotation ?a . ?a a up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation . ?a up:catalyticActivity ?ca . ?ca up:catalyzedReaction ?reaction . ?protein rdfs:seeAlso / up:transcribedFrom ?ensemblGene . SERVICE <> { ?gene genex:isExpressedIn ?anatomicEntity . ?gene lscr:xrefEnsemblGene ?ensemblGene . ?anatomicEntity rdfs:label ?anatomicEntityLabel . } }Use51: Find all proteins linked to arachidonate (CHEBI:32395)
PREFIX CHEBI: <> PREFIX rh: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX up: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?uniprot ?uniprotID ?recname ?gene ?chebi ?uniprotName WHERE { SERVICE <> { VALUES (?chebi) { (CHEBI:32395) } ?rhea rh:side/rh:contains/rh:compound ?compound . ?compound rh:chebi ?chebi . ?chebi up:name ?uniprotName . } ?uniprot up:annotation/up:catalyticActivity/up:catalyzedReaction ?rhea . ?uniprot up:mnemonic ?uniprotID . ?uniprot up:recommendedName/up:fullName ?recname . OPTIONAL {?uniprot up:encodedBy/skos:prefLabel ?gene .} }Use