Named graph
Unique triples | 120000000000 |
Distinct subjects | 30000000000 |
Distinct predicates | 29 |
Distinct objects | 36300000000 |
Distinct classes | 6 |
FTP download |
Classes used in this graph
There are 6 in use in this graph, all listed below. The table below lists the class, then in a hierarchical view the predicates in use, and then the classes of the linked instances or a datatype.
- faldo:ExactPosition
- faldo:Region
- up:Gene
- skos:prefLabel
- xsd:string
- skos:prefLabel
- up:Sequence
- up:md5Checksum
- xsd:string
- up:sequenceFor
- rdf:value
- xsd:string
- rdfs:seeAlso
- up:md5Checksum
- up:Structured_Name
- up:structuredNameType
- xsd:string
- up:structuredNameType
- owl:Ontology
- owl:imports
- owl:imports
Predicates used in this graph
- faldo:begin
- faldo:end
- faldo:position
- faldo:reference
- dcterms:isVersionOf
- up:chain
- up:created
- up:database
- up:encodedBy
- up:md5Checksum
- up:modified
- up:obsolete
- up:organism
- up:proteome
- up:reportedVersion
- up:reviewed
- up:sequenceFor
- up:signatureSequenceMatch
- up:structuredName
- up:structuredNameType
- up:version
- schema:mentions
- rdf:type
- rdf:value
- rdfs:comment
- rdfs:seeAlso
- owl:imports
- skos:broader
- skos:prefLabel