Named graph
Unique triples | 5400000000 |
Distinct subjects | 11400000000 |
Distinct predicates | 122 |
Distinct objects | 10310000000 |
Distinct classes | 120 |
FTP download |
Overview diagram
Main concepts
Cross-references (links to external databases)
Classes used in this graph
There are 120 in use in this graph, all listed below. The table below lists the class, then in a hierarchical view the predicates in use, and then the classes of the linked instances or a datatype.
- faldo:ExactPosition
- faldo:InRangePosition
- faldo:OneOfPosition
- faldo:Position
- faldo:Region
- up:Absorption_Annotation
- up:certain
- xsd:boolean
- up:maximum
- xsd:int
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:certain
- up:Active_Site_Annotation
- up:Activity_Regulation_Annotation
- up:Allergen_Annotation
- up:sequence
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Alternative_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Promoter_Usage_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Sequence_Annotation
- up:range
- up:substitution
- xsd:string
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Alternative_Splicing_Annotation
- up:Annotation
- up:Beta_Strand_Annotation
- up:Binding_Site_Annotation
- up:Biotechnology_Annotation
- up:Book_Citation
- up:Catalytic_Activity
- up:catalyzedReaction
- up:enzymeClass
- skos:closeMatch
- up:catalyzedReaction
- up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation
- up:Caution_Annotation
- up:Chain_Annotation
- up:mass
- xsd:int
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:mass
- up:Citation_Statement
- up:Cofactor_Annotation
- up:Coiled_Coil_Annotation
- up:Compositional_Bias_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Cross-link_Annotation
- up:Developmental_Stage_Annotation
- up:Disease_Annotation
- up:Disruption_Phenotype_Annotation
- up:Disulfide_Bond_Annotation
- up:Domain_Annotation
- up:Domain_Extent_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Electronic_Citation
- dcterms:identifier
- xsd:string
- up:author
- xsd:string
- up:date
- xsd:date
- up:locator
- xsd:string
- up:name
- xsd:string
- up:title
- xsd:string
- skos:exactMatch
- dcterms:identifier
- up:Erroneous_Gene_Model_Prediction_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Termination_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Translation_Annotation
- up:External_Sequence
- up:basedOn
- up:citation
- up:fragment
- xsd:string
- up:mass
- xsd:int
- up:md5Checksum
- xsd:string
- up:modification
- up:modified
- xsd:date
- up:name
- xsd:string
- up:precursor
- xsd:boolean
- up:replaces
- up:translatedFrom
- up:version
- xsd:int
- rdf:value
- xsd:string
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Frameshift_Annotation
- up:Function_Annotation
- up:Gene
- up:locusName
- xsd:string
- up:orfName
- xsd:string
- skos:altLabel
- xsd:string
- skos:prefLabel
- xsd:string
- up:locusName
- up:Glycosylation_Annotation
- up:Helix_Annotation
- up:Induction_Annotation
- up:Initiator_Methionine_Annotation
- up:Interaction
- up:experiments
- xsd:int
- up:participant
- up:xeno
- xsd:boolean
- up:experiments
- up:Intramembrane_Annotation
- up:Journal_Citation
- dcterms:identifier
- xsd:string
- up:author
- xsd:string
- up:date
- xsd:date
- up:erratum
- up:group
- xsd:string
- up:name
- xsd:string
- up:pages
- xsd:string
- up:title
- xsd:string
- up:volume
- xsd:string
- skos:exactMatch
- foaf:primaryTopicOf
- dcterms:identifier
- up:Kinetics_Annotation
- up:measuredActivity
- xsd:string
- up:measuredAffinity
- xsd:string
- up:sequence
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:measuredActivity
- up:Lipidation_Annotation
- up:Mass_Spectrometry_Annotation
- up:Modified_Residue_Annotation
- up:Modified_Sequence
- up:Motif_Annotation
- up:Mutagenesis_Annotation
- up:range
- up:sequence
- up:substitution
- xsd:string
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Natural_Variant_Annotation
- up:range
- up:sequence
- up:substitution
- xsd:string
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- rdfs:seeAlso
- skos:related
- up:Non-adjacent_Residues_Annotation
- up:Non-standard_Residue_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Non-terminal_Residue_Annotation
- up:Non_Self_Interaction
- up:experiments
- xsd:int
- up:participant
- up:xeno
- xsd:boolean
- up:experiments
- up:Nucleotide_Binding_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Nucleotide_Resource
- up:Observation_Citation
- up:PH_Dependence_Annotation
- up:PTM_Annotation
- up:Part
- up:Participant
- up:Patent_Citation
- up:author
- xsd:string
- up:date
- xsd:date
- up:title
- xsd:string
- skos:exactMatch
- up:author
- up:Pathway_Annotation
- up:Peptide_Annotation
- up:mass
- xsd:int
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:mass
- up:Pharmaceutical_Annotation
- up:sequence
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Plasmid
- rdfs:label
- xsd:string
- rdfs:label
- up:Polymorphism_Annotation
- up:Propeptide_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Protein
- up:alternativeName
- up:annotation
- up:Absorption_Annotation
- up:Active_Site_Annotation
- up:Activity_Regulation_Annotation
- up:Allergen_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Promoter_Usage_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Sequence_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Splicing_Annotation
- up:Annotation
- up:Beta_Strand_Annotation
- up:Binding_Site_Annotation
- up:Biotechnology_Annotation
- up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation
- up:Caution_Annotation
- up:Chain_Annotation
- up:Cofactor_Annotation
- up:Coiled_Coil_Annotation
- up:Compositional_Bias_Annotation
- up:Cross-link_Annotation
- up:Developmental_Stage_Annotation
- up:Disease_Annotation
- up:Disruption_Phenotype_Annotation
- up:Disulfide_Bond_Annotation
- up:Domain_Annotation
- up:Domain_Extent_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Gene_Model_Prediction_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Termination_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Translation_Annotation
- up:Frameshift_Annotation
- up:Function_Annotation
- up:Glycosylation_Annotation
- up:Helix_Annotation
- up:Induction_Annotation
- up:Initiator_Methionine_Annotation
- up:Intramembrane_Annotation
- up:Kinetics_Annotation
- up:Lipidation_Annotation
- up:Mass_Spectrometry_Annotation
- up:Modified_Residue_Annotation
- up:Motif_Annotation
- up:Mutagenesis_Annotation
- up:Natural_Variant_Annotation
- up:Non-adjacent_Residues_Annotation
- up:Non-standard_Residue_Annotation
- up:Non-terminal_Residue_Annotation
- up:Nucleotide_Binding_Annotation
- up:PH_Dependence_Annotation
- up:PTM_Annotation
- up:Pathway_Annotation
- up:Peptide_Annotation
- up:Pharmaceutical_Annotation
- up:Polymorphism_Annotation
- up:Propeptide_Annotation
- up:RNA_Editing_Annotation
- up:Redox_Potential_Annotation
- up:Region_Annotation
- up:Repeat_Annotation
- up:Ribosomal_Frameshifting
- up:Sequence_Caution_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Conflict_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Uncertainty_Annotation
- up:Signal_Peptide_Annotation
- up:Similarity_Annotation
- up:Site_Annotation
- up:Subcellular_Location_Annotation
- up:Subunit_Annotation
- up:Temperature_Dependence_Annotation
- up:Tissue_Specificity_Annotation
- up:Topological_Domain_Annotation
- up:Toxic_Dose_Annotation
- up:Transit_Peptide_Annotation
- up:Transmembrane_Annotation
- up:Turn_Annotation
- up:Zinc_Finger_Annotation
- up:attribution
- up:citation
- up:classifiedWith
- up:complete
- xsd:boolean
- up:component
- up:conflictingSequence
- up:created
- xsd:date
- up:domain
- up:encodedBy
- up:encodedIn
- up:enzyme
- up:existence
- up:interaction
- up:isolatedFrom
- up:mnemonic
- xsd:string
- up:modified
- xsd:date
- up:oldMnemonic
- xsd:string
- up:organism
- up:potentialSequence
- up:proteome
- up:recommendedName
- up:replaces
- up:reviewed
- xsd:boolean
- up:sequence
- up:submittedName
- up:version
- xsd:int
- rdfs:seeAlso
- up:RNA_Editing_Annotation
- up:Redox_Potential_Annotation
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- rdfs:comment
- up:Region_Annotation
- up:Repeat_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Resource
- up:Ribosomal_Frameshifting
- up:Self_Interaction
- up:experiments
- xsd:int
- up:participant
- up:xeno
- xsd:boolean
- up:experiments
- up:Sequence_Caution_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Conflict_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Uncertainty_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Signal_Peptide_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Similarity_Annotation
- up:sequence
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- up:Simple_Sequence
- up:fragment
- xsd:string
- up:mass
- xsd:int
- up:md5Checksum
- xsd:string
- up:modified
- xsd:date
- up:name
- xsd:string
- up:precursor
- xsd:boolean
- up:replaces
- up:version
- xsd:int
- rdf:value
- xsd:string
- up:fragment
- up:Site_Annotation
- up:Strain
- rdfs:label
- xsd:string
- rdfs:label
- up:Structure_Resource
- up:Structured_Name
- up:allergenName
- xsd:string
- up:cdAntigenName
- xsd:string
- up:ecName
- xsd:string
- up:fullName
- xsd:string
- up:internationalNonproprietaryName
- xsd:string
- up:shortName
- xsd:string
- up:allergenName
- up:Subcellular_Location_Annotation
- up:Submission_Citation
- up:author
- xsd:string
- up:date
- xsd:date
- up:group
- xsd:string
- up:submittedTo
- xsd:string
- up:title
- xsd:string
- up:author
- up:Subunit_Annotation
- up:Temperature_Dependence_Annotation
- up:Thesis_Citation
- up:author
- xsd:string
- up:date
- xsd:date
- up:institution
- xsd:string
- up:place
- xsd:string
- up:title
- xsd:string
- up:author
- up:Tissue
- rdfs:label
- xsd:string
- rdfs:label
- up:Tissue_Specificity_Annotation
- up:Topological_Domain_Annotation
- up:Toxic_Dose_Annotation
- up:Transcript_Resource
- up:Transit_Peptide_Annotation
- up:Transmembrane_Annotation
- up:Transposon
- rdfs:label
- xsd:string
- rdfs:label
- up:Turn_Annotation
- up:Unknown_Sequence
- up:name
- xsd:string
- up:name
- up:Zinc_Finger_Annotation
- up:range
- rdfs:comment
- xsd:string
- rdf:Statement
- up:attribution
- up:citation
- up:context
- up:scope
- xsd:string
- rdf:object
- faldo:ExactPosition
- faldo:Position
- up:Active_Site_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Sequence_Annotation
- up:Beta_Strand_Annotation
- up:Binding_Site_Annotation
- up:Book_Citation
- up:Catalytic_Activity
- up:Chain_Annotation
- up:Coiled_Coil_Annotation
- up:Compositional_Bias_Annotation
- up:Cross-link_Annotation
- up:Disulfide_Bond_Annotation
- up:Domain_Extent_Annotation
- up:Electronic_Citation
- up:Erroneous_Gene_Model_Prediction_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Termination_Annotation
- up:Erroneous_Translation_Annotation
- up:Frameshift_Annotation
- up:Glycosylation_Annotation
- up:Helix_Annotation
- up:Initiator_Methionine_Annotation
- up:Intramembrane_Annotation
- up:Journal_Citation
- up:Lipidation_Annotation
- up:Mass_Spectrometry_Annotation
- up:Modified_Residue_Annotation
- up:Motif_Annotation
- up:Mutagenesis_Annotation
- up:Natural_Variant_Annotation
- up:Non-adjacent_Residues_Annotation
- up:Non-standard_Residue_Annotation
- up:Non-terminal_Residue_Annotation
- up:Nucleotide_Binding_Annotation
- up:Observation_Citation
- up:Patent_Citation
- up:Pathway_Annotation
- up:Peptide_Annotation
- up:Plasmid
- up:Propeptide_Annotation
- up:Region_Annotation
- up:Repeat_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Caution_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Conflict_Annotation
- up:Sequence_Uncertainty_Annotation
- up:Signal_Peptide_Annotation
- up:Site_Annotation
- up:Strain
- up:Submission_Citation
- up:Thesis_Citation
- up:Tissue
- up:Topological_Domain_Annotation
- up:Transit_Peptide_Annotation
- up:Transmembrane_Annotation
- up:Turn_Annotation
- up:Zinc_Finger_Annotation
- rdf:predicate
- rdf:subject
- up:Absorption_Annotation
- up:Activity_Regulation_Annotation
- up:Allergen_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Initiation_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Promoter_Usage_Annotation
- up:Alternative_Splicing_Annotation
- up:Annotation
- up:Biotechnology_Annotation
- up:Catalytic_Activity_Annotation
- up:Caution_Annotation
- up:Citation_Statement
- up:Cofactor_Annotation
- up:Developmental_Stage_Annotation
- up:Disease_Annotation
- up:Disruption_Phenotype_Annotation
- up:Domain_Annotation
- up:External_Sequence
- up:Function_Annotation
- up:Gene
- up:Induction_Annotation
- up:Kinetics_Annotation
- up:Modified_Sequence
- up:PH_Dependence_Annotation
- up:PTM_Annotation
- up:Part
- up:Pharmaceutical_Annotation
- up:Polymorphism_Annotation
- up:Protein
- up:RNA_Editing_Annotation
- up:Redox_Potential_Annotation
- up:Ribosomal_Frameshifting
- up:Similarity_Annotation
- up:Simple_Sequence
- up:Structured_Name
- up:Subcellular_Location_Annotation
- up:Subunit_Annotation
- up:Temperature_Dependence_Annotation
- up:Tissue_Specificity_Annotation
- up:Toxic_Dose_Annotation
- up:Unknown_Sequence
- rdf:Statement
- up:attribution
- owl:Ontology
- owl:imports
- owl:imports
Predicates used in this graph
- faldo:begin
- faldo:end
- faldo:location
- faldo:position
- faldo:possiblePosition
- faldo:reference
- dcterms:creator
- dcterms:identifier
- up:allergenName
- up:alternativeName
- up:annotation
- up:attribution
- up:author
- up:basedOn
- up:catalyticActivity
- up:catalyzedPhysiologicalReaction
- up:catalyzedReaction
- up:cdAntigenName
- up:cellularComponent
- up:certain
- up:chain
- up:chainSequenceMapping
- up:citation
- up:classifiedWith
- up:cofactor
- up:complete
- up:component
- up:conflictingSequence
- up:context
- up:created
- up:database
- up:date
- up:disease
- up:domain
- up:ecName
- up:editor
- up:encodedBy
- up:encodedIn
- up:enzyme
- up:enzymeClass
- up:erratum
- up:evidence
- up:existence
- up:experiments
- up:fragment
- up:frameshift
- up:fullName
- up:group
- up:institution
- up:interaction
- up:internationalNonproprietaryName
- up:isolatedFrom
- up:ligand
- up:ligandPart
- up:locatedIn
- up:locatedOn
- up:locator
- up:locusName
- up:manual
- up:mass
- up:maximum
- up:md5Checksum
- up:measuredActivity
- up:measuredAffinity
- up:measuredError
- up:measuredValue
- up:method
- up:mnemonic
- up:modification
- up:modified
- up:name
- up:oldMnemonic
- up:orfName
- up:organism
- up:orientation
- up:pages
- up:partOf
- up:participant
- up:place
- up:potentialSequence
- up:precursor
- up:proteome
- up:publisher
- up:range
- up:recommendedName
- up:replaces
- up:resolution
- up:reviewed
- up:scope
- up:sequence
- up:sequenceDiscrepancy
- up:shortName
- up:signatureSequenceMatch
- up:source
- up:submittedName
- up:submittedTo
- up:substitution
- up:title
- up:topology
- up:transcribedFrom
- up:translatedFrom
- up:translatedTo
- up:version
- up:volume
- up:xeno
- rdf:object
- rdf:predicate
- rdf:subject
- rdf:type
- rdf:value
- rdfs:comment
- rdfs:label
- rdfs:seeAlso
- rdfs:subClassOf
- owl:imports
- owl:sameAs
- skos:altLabel
- skos:closeMatch
- skos:exactMatch
- skos:prefLabel
- skos:related
- foaf:primaryTopicOf